Outreach Tool for SEO
Unlimited Searches
Unlike other outreach apps, you don't pay to search. You can search Google as much you want:
Find the Right Websites - Fast!
Google search results give you the most relevant websites:
You can skip to websites with email addresses:
Personalise Emails Quickly
You can run the app and view websites in the same tab.

You can right-click and quickly personalise your email - entering in first names and other details:
Contact More People in Less Time
Just click send - your email is sent - and you move on to the next website automatically:
Avoid Spam - The Easy Way
If you've already emailed someone - a warning shows:
And if you click the send button by accident, you get another warning:
Keep a good reputation - with no extra effort
Paste into Contact Forms
You can save your details:
And paste them into contact forms:
"Soon Done allows you to view websites first before sending emails so you would know if a website is relevant or is fit for collaboration. While you could use templates in the tool, you could still personalize and customize your emails which I love because it makes it easier to connect and build relationships with the webmasters I reach out to."
"Soon Done is a quick and easy tool that enables you to find websites that address specific topics or keyword phrases; scan those sites for email addresses; and send personalized email outreach."
Free Plan
500 emails per month for free
Build relationships, get more backlinks, and avoid paying high prices for clunky software
Paid Plans
Need more than 500 emails per month?